I designed this poster for a lady poet from my hometown. Ghalya Biala is an Amazigh poet, she was born in 1927 in my hometown Jadu. While Ghalya is a prolific private poet, very few of her poems have published. Many of her poems deal with themes of sadness, immortality, […]
Intuitive B&W Conversions Try this simple step-by-step process for making beautiful monochrome images Text And Photography By Michael Clark A local gaucho with his horse, who happened upon the 2010 Wenger Patagonian Expedition Race and stopped to check out the action on the island of Tierra del Fuego in southern […]
BY ZACH RAMELAN Product videos have to look good — whether you have a budget or not. Follow these tips to improve your production values without breaking the bank. In this video tutorial, I’m going to cover a few things you can do to improve the production value of your product […]
How to process night photography to meet our color expectations while preserving the natural hues of the stars and Milky Way Text & Photography By Glenn Randall We have a life-long association of the sky and the color blue. On a clear day, the sky is always blue. The last color […]
By: Darren Rowse The following tutorial on constructing an Inexpensive Light Tent was Submitted by Jeffrey Bail. See Jeffrey’s Flickr Account here. Note: while this is a great DIY tutorial that thousands of our readers have used – Amazon has many inexpensive Light Tents here that will get you some great results. If you’re like […]
TUTORIALS: DEPTH OF FIELD Depth of field refers to the range of distance that appears acceptably sharp. It varies depending on camera type, aperture and focusing distance, although print size and viewing distance can also influence our perception of depth of field. This tutorial is designed to give a better […]
By Russ Burden Some people associate fog with inclement weather and avoid the outdoors. Not me. I grab my camera to create some extremely exciting images. Foggy conditions elicit moody and ethereal feelings. The light is diffused and even, but very flat. Knowing how to take advantage of this allows […]
BY TANNER SHINNICK Still lenses can be great pieces of filmmaking equipment. But are they preventing you from making the best film possible? Cover image via TB studio. Simply put, still photography lenses produce beautiful, cinematic imagery. We’ve all seen still lenses produce successful indie films (like Blue Ruin). So why bother spending […]
By Udi Tirosh How to take photos like the one you are seeing here. It’s a glass of Champaign, being shot with a BB gun. You can use this technique to take picture of exploding things like tomatoes, watter balloons, watermelons, or even you Canon camera as you smash it against […]
What’s the Difference Between a Cheap Microphone and an Expensive One? By Jourdan Aldredge February 06, 2018 Wherein we discuss everything filmmakers need to consider when comparing cheap microphones to expensive ones for video projects. Cover image via guruXOX. If it’s been said once, it’s been said a thousand times: for filmmakers and video […]
Is Downscaling 4K to 1080p Worth It After Online Compression? By Lewis McGregor February 06, 2018 There are a number of reasons why shooting 4K for 1080p is a good idea, but does online compression mean you’re wasting your time? Cover image via gnepphoto. Shooting in 4K to deliver […]
Written by RedShark News Staff 06 Feb 2018 Stock footage can be a great way to create a new income stream, and it needn’t require huge efforts. Your archive might already contain some gems ready to start earning for you. Know what footage you have in stock There are several ways to shoot footage […]
5 Ways to Transform Uninteresting Interview Locations By Tanner Shinnick February 05, 2018 Every cinematographer should know how to get the most out of locations and sets. Let’s take a look at some ways to elevate any shoot. Cover image via guteksk7. We’ve all been there. You walk onto a job, […]
By Jose Antunes February 05, 2018 The ability to reduce light pollution when photographing the night sky was covered in the first article about NiSi’s Natural Night filter. Now it is time to look at its uses in video and cityscape photography. Besides night sky photography, its first intended use, the NiSi Natural […]